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Great Discussion on Defence Infrastructure at QMCA Breakfast!

Nevil Kantesaria
4020 at QMCA

This week, Joel and Paulina attended the Queensland Major Contractors Association (QMCA) Defence Networking Breakfast.

The defence sector is a dynamic space, and the presentations by Rear Admiral Mark Purcell AM RAN (Retd), James PascoeMalcolm Catchpole, and Don Roach, AM provided valuable insights into the upcoming opportunities and challenges in defence infrastructure investment. 

The discussion focused on navigating the complex and ever-changing environment in the industry. Plus, we heard whispers about potential #missile manufacturing coming to Queensland. This could be a game-changer for the state's defence industry.

A big thanks to Queensland Major Contractors Association (QMCA)Clough & Webuild for hosting such a successful event!


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